Tuesday, 11 March 2014

One of my favourite fairy tales when I was younger was Princess and the Pea. To my parents, I was a pretty fussy child. Hard to get to eat anything at all and sometimes, hard to get to sleep, just like the princess. But one of the very few vegetables I have always loved has been peas! I even eat them frozen - such a weird habit haha. 

When my mum came home a while ago and recreated the smashed peas she had at her friend's house, I was instantly hooked. Even though it's not the prettiest snack, it's so tasty! I love putting it on toast at any time of the day, as pictured, or even just eating it as part of a platter style dinner with crackers, dips, vegetables and salad. This week, I made some up and thought why not snap some pictures and share what I put in it with you?!

Olive Oil
Garlic (grated)

These can be used at any ratio.

After cooking the peas on a double boiler, strain them and run them under cold water to stop the cooking process. Put them in a large bowl or container - one with enough room to start smashing! Once you can't see many whole peas, pour in the olive oil, squeeze some lemon and keep smashing. Add the other ingredients to taste. I find it useful to test as you go along to find the right ratio of olive oil to lemon that suits you! It tastes pretty good right after making but even better the next day!

What's one of your favourite snacks? Will you be trying 'smashed peas' any time soon?

Lauren xxx


C'est Lauren

C'est Lauren
My name is Lauren and I am a
lover of the fashion and beauty
world from New Zealand.
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